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To rehabilitate the Schick brand after overwhelmingly negative criticism of their brand mascot, Hydrobot, we needed to foster authentic, endemic resonance with their target "fan-man" audience. To do this, my team designed a unique brand-centered escape room for Comic-Con San Diego. This was Schick's first brand activation at Comic Con as well as one of the first escape rooms in the history of the convention. Contained within the small footprint of a single shipping container, Hydroescape featured 3 unique rooms, each with challenges and clues designed to highlight specific product features and connect with comic book collectors, gamers and other fans of sci-fi, superheroes and nerd culture. As a result of this experience, Hydrobot was rehabilitated in the eyes of the fans, who posed with him for pictures and lined up for free t-shirts and bags emblazoned with his image.

Schick Hydro Escape

Schick Hydro Escape

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Schick Hydro 5 Lab - Image 1
Hydrobot's Lair - Image 6
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